Dog Pisses All Over His Owner's GoPro With Zero Remorse



Rule #1 of being a dog: Mark the territory before the territory marks you. That’s all that is. Dog sees something unfamiliar infringing on his territory? Gotta piss all over it to let the inanimate object know who’s boss. It “ruined” that kid’s sick soccer video but whatever. “Oh this is gonna be so awesome. I’ll make a video of myself shooting goals and the pussy will coming flocking.” Newsflash kid. Your video sucked. Any human with a couple of working legs hanging off their torso can make a video of themselves kicking soccer balls into a goalie-less goal. Not exactly re-inventing the wheel with that. That’s why the kid shouldn’t be mad at the end of that video.  He should be praising the dog and giving him extra treats. Stupid and pointless videos get uploaded to the internet a million times a day. Videos where a dog wanders into the frame and takes a monster piss right on the viewers faces?  That never happens. Until now. That GoPro smelling like dog piss is the best thing that could’ve happened to it.

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